work with me

The Self-Love Program 

This is my signature program for the ambitious people-pleaser who is ready to trust their intuition, speak their truth and show up fully in their lives and relationships.

Save yourself thousands of dollars and YEARS of self-help work with a guided step-by-step process and the support of like-minded humans.

Click here for all the details.

All potential members must participate in a complimentary discovery call to see if they are a fit for the program. This is to protect the vibe of the community and ensure you are at the right place in your journey to get the most value from this program. 

Click the button below to book your discovery call now!

6 Session 1:1 Package

6 1:1 Sessions (1 hour each) 

For the amitious empath who is ready to do the deep inner work of healing their relationship with themselves so they can create a life that aligns with their values, desires and personal mission.

We clarify exactly what your desired outcome is from coaching and get to work on outlining the steps to reaching your goals.

The 6 session package allows time to:

  • Outline in detail your long and short term goals
  • Acknowledge and encourage your unique strengths and gifts
  • Uncover your blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Complete powerful exercises and action steps between sessions
  • Design an accountability strategy that works for you
  • Put in place new habits and practices that support your goals/desired way of being
  • PLUS full access to my online course: The Self-Love Program

As your coach, I promise to:

  • Hold you accountable to the agreements you make with yourself
  • Encourage and support you through the successes and the challenges
  • Hold space for all emotions that arrive
  • Shine a light on your blindspots
  • Reflect what I am seeing in a direct and compassionate way 
  • Shake things up and have fun doing it! 



If you are looking to improve company culture, employee performance or simply looking for a team building experience I have a variety of workshops to serve your needs.

I bring a lively, engaging energy to my workshops that encourages a safe space for exploration, discovery and connection for your team.

Outcomes of workshops include:

  • Goal setting
  • Value Mining for both individuals and teams
  • Confidence building
  • Improved communication
  • Effective teamwork and Leadership

Contact me for more info on how I can work with your team.

Grab your FREE copy of my Self-Love Guide to start healing your relationship with yourself!

*Your privacy is our policy.


Awesome! Keep an eye out in your inbox for your free guide!