Confidence Boosting 101

Do any of these scenarios resonate for you? 1. You are in a new role at work and you’re worried you won’t have what it takes to get the job done. 2. You are about to go on a first date and you’re worried you won’t make a good impression. 3. You...

Small Shifts = Big Changes

My pregnancy flattened me, energetically. I have to say I was fortunate enough to have had a wonderful birth and now a delightful baby, but I’ve been barely hanging on when it comes to my physical energy. If we’re going by the Red/Yellow/Green scale I’m always talking...

Challenging my Beliefs Around Growth

  THERE IS NO GROWTH WITHOUT DISCOMFORT I said this to my coach in a recent session and she responded by saying: “That’s a limiting belief.” Mind. Blown.  I was shocked that I was being challenged on this belief I held so deeply.  How exciting to...

Managing Your Energy

In my last post I spoke about clarifying your ideal Future Vision when your life has gotten off track. If you didn’t catch it you can read it here.  Many of us are living a life that doesn’t quite feel like it FITS. We checked the boxes and did all the things we were...

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