Success is Inevitable, As Long As You Don’t Give Up


I hope you are settling into the new year with some connection and flow. In all honesty, I didn’t start the year with either of those things but with intention I am starting to find them!

The following statement has been percolating in my mind lately:

Success is inevitable, as long as you don’t give up.

I heard someone say this on a podcast once, I may have paraphrased the exact wording but the essential message has really stayed with me since.

Growth is hard. Moving into unfamiliar territory brings a lot of uncertainty, and with uncertainty can come doubt and fear. Take this past year for example. I finally broke the golden handcuffs of my familiar career to leap headlong into full-time entrepreneurship.


I’m not going to lie, there were moments throughout this year where I was literally terrified. Both my husband and I quit our day jobs to start businesses during a pandemic (so ZERO safety net) and there was a LOT of fear and anxiety about how we were going to pay our bills, how we were going to get more clients, how we were going to grow and market our businesses etc, etc. While we are both very good at what we do, running the business side of things was VERY UNFAMILIAR territory for us both!

I will say however, that never once throughout all of the fear and uncertainty did I consider going back. I had my eyes fully focused on my Ideal Future Vision. I KNEW it was possible to be a successful coach with a thriving business. I knew this because I could see people out there doing it, and I was paying attention to what they were doing and investing in myself to learn what was needed to grow my business in a similar way. 

I still have my moments of fear and doubt (newsflash: we ALL do) but when they arrive I pause and take stock of the reality of what I’ve accomplished in 2020.

  • In spring of 2020 I started a YouTube channel. This continues to bring me clients from around the world and in the past year I have worked with clients from all over Canada and the US, as well as England, Denmark, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Indonesia.
  • I was hired as a ‘Guide’ on a super cool coaching app called Sphere which has connected me with new clients across North America. 
  • I become a board member of the Atlantic Chapter of the International Coaching Federation. Being on a board has always seemed incredibly grown up and professional to me so this has helped me truly feel like I have ‘arrived’ in adult professionalism. More importantly than the ego validation is the contribution I get to make to upholding the standards and profile of coaching in my community. 
  • I created an online course! This has been a dream of mine for a couple of years now and was a major investment of time, money and energy but I am so proud of the outcome and to have this valuable tool to offer my clients.

(Sidenote: I myself have invested in several online courses over the last couple of years – Sunny Lenarduzzi’s YouTube for Bosses, Sara Kelly’s Online Offerings for Inner Peace, and Sunny’s Authority Accelerator – and I could not have gotten to where I am in my business without learning the valuable tools and skills used by those who were doing what I wanted to be doing.)

  • I landed my first corporate contract. This is also a goal I’ve had my eye on from the very start of my training as I know there is a gap in corporate culture that coaching tools and concepts can help to fill. 
  • And on a personal note, I got knocked up! Embarking on the journey of motherhood is an experience I’ve desired for as long as I could remember, and while I’ve also spent a lot of time being terrified of the prospect, I’m proud of myself for conquering my fear and taking the leap into this expansive (in every way!) experience. 

(As for hubby, his construction business is thriving. He’s now hired two employees and is booked into next August!)

So while 2020 was a challenging year in SO MANY WAYS (I’m talking sleepless nights and anxiety attack levels of fear and uncertainty) I still pushed on. I invested time, money and energy in myself and my business because I KNEW it would pay off.

And it has. 

In this first 2 weeks of January alone I’ve already made a quarter of my entire 2020 income. 

It’s almost hard to believe how much business is flowing to me right now but on the other hand I do believe it because this is the vision I had for myself. This is the product of the groundwork I’ve laid. This is the success I’ve been striving for since I first embarked on this career transition 4 years ago by enrolling in my coach training through CTI.

I didn’t give up when I felt self-doubt.

I didn’t give up when I felt fear.

I didn’t give up when I felt like an Imposter.

I didn’t give up when it got hard, and the work hours were long, and I didn’t know what next month or even tomorrow would bring.

I stayed patient, I received support, I did the work and I trusted the process. 

Success is inevitable, as long as you don’t give up. 

I know there will be more challenges along the way, but right now things are really great, and I’m taking a moment to celebrate my wins. I encourage you to do the same! What do you have to be grateful for? What are you proud of yourself for?

I hope this lands for you and I am here for you if you would like support in working towards YOUR Ideal Future Vision. You can book a complimentary consultation through my calendar link below to see how I can be of service to you: www.calendly.com/mischaela

Wishing for you all that you desire,

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